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Erwecke Dein inneres Feuer

Workshop | Samstag 22.03.25 | 10-13h

3 Std.
69 Euro


Workshop mit Michael J. Stewart In this master class, Michael will share with us practices that will assist in understanding and working with the 3 primary ‘fires” Angi in our bodies. Each of these is essential for a complete unhampered experience with our Body, Mind and the Functions of Life. We will employ specifically chosen asana, with the precision of alignment, woven together with the precise pranayama, mudra and mantra sequences. The master class is designed for dedicated practitioners with some understanding of the elements of asana, pranayama, and mantra. Come with an Open Mind and Leave with an Open Heart

Bevorstehende Sessions


  • YogaRaumHannover

    Beethovenstraße 4, Hannover, Deutschland

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